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时间:2022-04-05 14:00:02 浏览量:





 跨文化交流 主题妙测

 Volunteering abroad The following important questions will answer something you need to know about volunteering abroad. When is the best time to volunteer abroad? There is no best time to volunteer abroad and most volunteer programs run all year round. The main question will be climate and volunteer numbers. Ask when the busier and quieter periods are if you would like more or less company to volunteer alongside. Summer months will be popular with students and teachers, whereas between October and May you should expect to share your experience with matures people of all ages and the self-employed whose business might be slow during winter months. Do I need experience? Unless you would like to volunteer in a hospital, you probably wont need any experience. Many projects need help playing with the children, building new classrooms and mending rooms which are falling down, jobs where the volunteers can get stuck in for a week and can easily be taken over by another volunteer once they’ve left. These are often jobs which wouldn’t get done unless volunteers help. Can I volunteer to do different things, or just one? Most sending organizations prefer volunteers to be in the same place going to the same placement throughout their stay. However, each organization does things differently. Some organizations will allow volunteers to spend a week in a different area of work while others provide a weekly schedule where the volunteer group is taken each day to different locations. Do check you have all the visas you need before your trip if you are travelling to more than one country as you may not be able to pick up visas along the way. What if I don’t speak the language?

 Its a bit of a myth that you need to speak the local language to volunteer abroad. Providing there is someone locally who speaks both English and the local language and will be settling you in and supporting you during your stay, you should have no problems. Even for teaching, knowing the language wont give you an advantage. It can even get in the way. Often children will complain they don’t want to practices their own language with their teacher who endlessly repeats “hello” and “What’s your name?” They would rather learn how to say it in English!

 1. What can we know about the best time to volunteer abroad? A. It depends on whether the program is in low season. B. Summer months are better than winter months. C. The location of your destination matters a lot. D. You can volunteer throughout the year as you like. 2. If you are going to volunteer in several countries, you should ________. A. ask sending organizations to help you enter those countries B. make sure that you already have all the visas needed C. pick up all the visas needed one by one along the way D. find some locals to take you across the borders 3. Where is the text probably from? A. An academic paper. B. A scientific journal. C. A magazine. D. A novel.

 Task 2 These years, travelling abroad is becoming more and more popular with ordinary people. If you want to enjoy such a wonderful travel, your travelling abroad truly requires the most careful preparation. 1 This is a short list of some necessary things you should not forget to bring as you fly to a foreign land. Passport. First, be sure to bring your passport along with several copies of it. Accidentally, losing your passport can be a difficult experience you should always try to

 avoid. You may keep digital copies of this important document for backup purposes, too. 2 Guidebook. Staying in an unfamiliar place doesn’t have to be a headache with the help of a nice guidebook. This one provides you with maps and information you can use as you move from one place to another. Extra clothes. While travelling, “lightly” is always highly recommended; never make the mistake of bringing less than what you actually need. 3 This is a safety precaution that you can do to make sure that you have something to wear just in case your luggage is unknowingly lost. Medicines. Make it a point to take good care of your health while you are away. Bring enough medicines because some of them may not be available outside your country. 4 For example, you should get as much information as you can about the country, such as its local laws, culture, weather conditions, and more. This will allow you to fit in and make any necessary adjustments. 5 That’s because they’re very attractive to thieves. The same rule applies to devices such as cameras, smart phones, laptop computers and others. A. Bringing cash is also a must. B. And when going outdoors, try not to wear expensive jewels. C. Also, try researching about the safety of the specific area you will visit. D. What’s more, you may consider putting your extra clothes inside your carry⁃on. E. Whether you’re a tourist or a businessman, there are certain things you must keep in mind. F. That way, you’ll have no problems returning to your country once your trip is over. G. Besides these must⁃haves, you also have to obey certain precautions to avoid any


 Task 3

 It was a cold night in Manchester where I had recently started my undergraduate degree in English and American Literature in 2009. I woke up at about 3 am in a confused 1 about a decision I had recently made to study abroad in Paris. The stream of fantasies that had been 2 my mind for weeks had suddenly stopped. Where would I wash my clothes? Can I watch Match of the Day over there? As time got closer and closer, the visions of 3 around Paris were replaced by a mix of 4 and nerves. I 5 decided not to study abroad and it was a conclusion I almost immediately 6 . Ever since that week, I made a 7 to myself. If I ever got another chance to take part in a(n)

 8 exchange abroad, I would 9 it with both hands. Eight long years later, I have finally realized my 19?year⁃olds 10 to work in Europe, with a teaching position in Lubbock, Germany. The advice I would give to any young person who is perhaps over thinking whether or not to work or study abroad is to just 11 it!

 Unfortunately, our lives aren’t rehearsals (彩排)

 and, 12 I was lucky enough to get a second chance, opportunities to travel, explore and 13 the world can be few and far between. The number of new friends, 14 to different cultures, and new experiences I have already got in just one month in Germany have been 15 and have made an impact on my life. 1. A. panic

  B. excitement

  C. puzzle D. satisfaction 2. A. tearing down B. flowing through

  C. going over D. sweeping away 3. A. gathering B. turning

  C. wrapping

 D. wandering 4. A. anxiety B. disappointment

  C. courage D. depression 5. A. immediately

 B. surely

  C. eventually

 D. hopefully 6. A. refreshed B. regretted

  C. recovered D. praised 7. A. chance

  B. adventure

  C. promise D. demand 8. A. familiar

  B. unrelated

  C. serious D. similar 9. A. grasp

  B. abandon

  C. push D. throw 10. A. contribution

  B. achievement C. ambition D. offer 11. A. touch

  B. do C. check D. pass

 12. A. as if

  B. however

 C. even though D. while 13. A. identify

  B. embrace

  C. doubt D. convince 14. A. attention

  B. response

  C. objection D. exposure 15. A. incredible

  B. boring

  C. reasonable D. relaxing

 Task 4 第一部分

 语法填空 My time in China was an 1.


 experience. Every day was a new adventure. I worked out 2.


 and made 3.


 for Chinese material arts. While I was in Beijing, I climbed the Great Wall of China, and visited Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and the Birds Nest Olympic stadium. I also had the opportunity of 4.


 in a Beijing thunderstorm, bargaining in the market, and riding the high-speed train. While I was in Tianjin, I 5.


 at Nankai University. I was taking the Chinese language and culture courses. 6.

 I enjoyed most is that whatever I learned in class. I would use it outside to communicate with people. Having the opportunity 7.


 Mandarin every day really improved my learning. In the afternoon I would have culture classes 8.

 I would learn about Chinese calligraphy, Beijing opera, Chinese martial arts, Chinese cooking and many other subjects. The mix of learning about the language and culture made each day of class 9.

 (amaze). I believe that the key 10.

 studying abroad successfully is the attitude you carry. Going to China, I was open⁃minded and had a very positive attitude.


 书面表达 假定你是李华,你校英语报社开辟了 Readers Voice 专栏,邀请读者针对一些热点问题发表自己的看法。请你以“Should high school students study abroad?”为题,写一篇英语短文投稿,主要内容包括:

 1. 分析高中生出国留学的利弊;

 2. 阐述你对此现象的看法。


 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

 Should high school students study abroad? In recent years, more and more high school students study abroad.

 Task 5 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

 Once there was a girl named Vivian who was the only child of her father. Her father was a big and successful businessman who owned seven star restaurants. He did everything only for his daughter. Vivian was sent to the best university abroad. Although she had everything, the only thing she never owned was respect for other people. When Vivian came back after her graduation and her father asked her to join his company as an accountant, she was naturally not happy with that. She wanted to work in a higher post but her father wanted her to start as an ordinary girl. “Dad, I studied at the most outstanding university abroad and got a better education than any of the employees who work under you. Still, you want me to work under them?” said Vivian unhappily. Vivian’s father looked at her with a smile on his face. Vivian was annoyed by her fathers reaction but she agreed to work as an accountant in the end. After some months, there was an emergency situation in the company. One of the restaurants was short of employees because of sudden resignations (辞职), so they were short of people to do other chores around the place and cook food fast. Vivian’s father asked her to help that restaurant with him and the other employees.


推荐访问:主题妙测 备考 高考英语 复习