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 国 国 家 留 学 基 金 管 理 委 员 会 会

 China Scholarship Council


 中 国 政 府 奖 学 金 年 度 评 审 ( 学 生 自 评 )


 Form for Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status ( (Student Self-Assessment )

 本页由奖学金生本人逐项认真填写/ The scholarship students shall carefully fill in the following parts

 个人信息 Personal information 姓 Family Name

  名 Given Name

  出生日期 Date of Birth

  性别 Gender

  国籍 Nationality

  学生类别 Student Category

  在学院校 Institution

  学习专业 Major

  学习期限自 From

  年 Year

  月 Month

 至 To

  年 Year

  月 Month

 本人在本学年内的表现情况如下 Summary of my performance in this academic year

 遵规守纪 Observe rules and regulations

 学习情况 Academic performance

 参加活动情况 Participation in activities

 本人签字 Signature:


 期 Date:

  年 Year

 月 Month

 日 Day

 《中国政府奖学金年度评审(学生自评)表》填写说明 Directions of Form for Annual Review of

 Chinese Government Scholarship Status (Student Self-Assessment)

 1. “姓名”和“ 国籍”栏:应与学生本人护照一致。

 “Family Name ”,“Given name”& “Nationality” :

 Names and Nationality of the candidates should be the same as in the passport. 2. “学生类别”栏:应填写本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、普通进修生、高级进修生。

 “ “Student Category ”:You shall fill in such as “Undergraduate students”,“Postgraduate students”, “Doctoral students”, “General advanced students”, “Senior advanced students”. 3.“ 期限为




 月 月”栏:应从来华时间开始计算至预定的学业结束时间(同《录取通知书》上注明的在华学习起止时间一致)。


  / Year

  / Month to


 / Month”:The column of duration of study shall begin from the initiative study in China to the time of graduation(same as in the Admission Notice). 4. “在学院校”和 “专业”栏:应填写现所在大学的名称和目前学习的专业。

 “ Institution ”and “major ” : You shall fill in the blanks with your major and the present institution. 5.“ 本人在本学年内的表现情况如下”栏:学生应对自己在本学年的遵规守纪、学习情况、参加活动情况简要总结。

 “Summary of my performance in this academic year”: You shall give a brief review of the study and behavior during this academic year from three perspectives (Observe rules and regulations, Academic performance, Participation in activities). 6. 中文授课学生请用 中文填写,英文授课学生可用 英文填写。

 For Chinese-taught students, please fill the form in Chinese;for English-taught students, in English 7. 本表格请用 钢笔或 签字笔填写。

 The form is to be filled in ink.

推荐访问:中国政府 奖学金 评审 中国政府奖学金年度评审(学生自评)表 国家奖学金评审情况